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Press Release: Meeting on the contemporary struggle of communists against fascism

May 14, 2024



On May 11, 2024 the European Communist Action (ECA) held a meeting under the title “Historical conclusions from the tactics of the anti-fascist fronts. The contemporary struggle of communists against fascism”.

The meeting, that was held in Madrid and hosted by the Communist Party of the Workers of Spain, was attended by delegations from all member parties of the ECA, namely the Party of Labour of Austria, the Communist Workers’ Party – for Peace and Socialism (Finland), the Communist Revolutionary Party of France, the Communist Party of Greece, the Workers Party of Ireland, the Communist Front (Italy), the New Communist Party of the Netherlands, the Communist Party of Sweden, the Swiss Communist Party, the Communist Party of Turkey and the Union of Communists of Ukraine.

During the meeting, held a few days after the anniversary of the Day of the Anti-fascist Victory of Peoples, the Parties exchanged analysis and conclusions about the current conditions for the struggle against reaction and anti-communism, and shared their points of view about the ways in which the bourgeoisie of each country is promoting reactionary positions within the working class.

The participants also expressed their support with the students’ mobilizations that are being held throughout the world in solidarity with the Palestinian people.

After the meeting, the delegations took part in an act of tribute to the International Brigades in the graveyard of Fuencarral, a symbol of anti-fascist struggle where more than 400 members of the International Brigades brigadists were buried.