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Statement of the European Communist Action: "On the 65th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution"

Jan 1, 2024

The European Communist Action salutes the 65th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution and the triumphal entry of the revolutionaries Fidel Castro, Che Guevara and their comrades into Havana. It was the epic of the Cuban people, the first socialist revolution in Latin America, which inspired the workers’-people’s struggles around the world. It was a living proof of the effectiveness of Marxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism.

It demonstrated that capitalism is not invincible and that the people can step to the fore, overthrow the rotten capitalist system and become masters in their own country.

The Cuban Revolution, with the decisive contribution of the Soviet Union and the other socialist countries, and socialist Cuba made a series of important achievements in fields such as health, education, welfare, culture and sports, which for workers in capitalist countries still remain a distant dream. Despite losing valuable allies, such as the Soviet Union and the other socialist countries, as well as facing great difficulties arising from the barbaric economic, trade and financial blockade imposed by the US, the Cuban People continue resisting and waging their struggle.

The parties of the European Communist Action will continue to resolutely condemn the criminal imperialist blockade against Cuba by the USA and any subversive EU planning for penetration. They will further strengthen their practical internationalist solidarity with the Communist Party of Cuba and the Cuban people.